I love being able to go to the bookstore, which I was able to do this week. The county that I live in is very small and we are not close to many bookstores. So I loved my opportunity this week to go to a bookstore and spend some time looking and reading. This led to my #booksmiles for this week.
I got to read so many great books while I was at the bookstore. My favorite, which made me have my #booksmiles was Ninja Red Riding Hood by Corey Rosen Schwartz and illustrated by Dan Santat. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. First of all I love fairy tales, but what I love even more are funny versions of the fairy tales. Little Red Riding Hood has always been one of my favorites so I was quite happy to see it turn into a ninja version. I love the whole story and illustrations just add to the greatness of the story. I will definitely be adding this book to my school library because I want the kids to have #booksmiles about this book too.
Tonight Corey Rosen Schwartz tweeted about the Ninja Red activity guide. This is a great addition to a wonderful book! I just love how there are color pages in the guide, but it also has black-and-white pages. This makes it so much easier to make copies for the students!
What #booksmiles did you have this week?
Happy Reading!!
Stacey (@libraryjo92)