Thursday, July 21, 2011

Book Trailers

Even though it's summer, I've still been doing a bit of planning and searching the web for new ideas. One really neat blog that I came across was Watch. Connect. Read. Mr. Schu, the author of the blog, is an Elementary Librarian, who believes that video book trailers are one way to connect kids to books. As I've been reading his blog, I was inspired to search out video book trailers. I speak from personal experience that viewing a book trailer can make you want to read the book. I watched the book trailer for Jon Scieszka's new book Spaceheadz, which I have in my collection. I now can't wait to get my hands on it when I stop by school!

This is a youtube video. I know that in my school system, is blocked. I have found a website that allows you to download the youtube video so that I can play them at school. The website is
Keepvid. It has proved to be very helpful in downloading book trailers.
