Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is It Only Wednesday??!!

I think this is been the LONGEST week EVER!!!! There is so much to do and I can't seem to get ahead. Things will be much better once my Reading Incentive Winners Bowling Trip is over.  In addition to coordinating all of that, (a bus, lunch for the kids, permission slips, lane assignments, etc.) I have to write plans for the day.  So I've only gotten some reading done.  I was able to read some of the blog posts on my Google Reader, so it is down in the low 100's now.  I didn't get a chance to start Born to Fly by Michael Ferrari yet, but I'm hoping too before the week is out. 

I also had the chance to read Jennifer Holm's Middle School is Worse Than Meatloaf.  Overall I did enjoy this book.  It took me a little bit of time to make sure I read everything that was on each page.  I think that those kids that are going into Middle School will enjoy this book.  Many will pick it up from the title alone.  It is going to go on my summer recommendation list for my fifth graders.

On another note about a Jennifer Holm book, I recommend Our Only May Amelia to one of my fifth grade girls. I book talked it too her and she seemed  interested.  But she mentioned how she was a fan of historical fiction books.  I explained to her how I have not been a fan of historical fiction books in the past, but I'm becoming one after reading some really great ones.  After I told her how I couldn't put the book down, she seemed even more interested.  We had a great talk about how exciting it was when a book catches your attention and you can't put it down.

I'm asking for your help.  I'm putting together a list of books for my students as suggestions for over the summer.  I'm grouping them in the following way: K-1, 2-3, 4-5.  I'm trying to put together book trailers for the kids to watch for some on the list.  If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section.  Thank you in advance!!

Happy Reading!



  1. I'm reading "There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom" to my 4th graders and they love it.

  2. I can honestly say that I've never read that book. I think I will be adding it to my summer reading list.
