Even though I haven't been posting a lot, I have been doing a lot of reading! I've been reading picture books, chapter books, some nonfiction books, and a lot of books off MD Black-Eyed Susan Award nominee list. I do have to get better about reading more nonfiction. If you have any suggestions of some great nonfiction books please post them in the comments or tweet me.
Wow is the word that came to mind when I finished both of these books. The other thing that happened is I wanted to start them over and read them again right away. Both of these books are great fifth-grade and middle school books. Nancy has truly captured what it's like to be a middle school girl. The characters are very easy to relate to and believable. To me a sign of a good book is when I can find parts of myself in a character and in This Journal Belongs To Ratchet I could totally identify with Ratchet's awkwardness. When I think back to middle school awkward is a great way to describe me and that time period. I also wrote about this book on my Summer Update for my Must Reads in 2014.
In Always, Abigail the character that I found myself relating to the most was not the main character Abigail, but Gabby who played a big role in the story. Once middle school hit I became the girl that everybody made fun of. It was a hard time in my life, but it shaped me to be the person that I am today. As I read this book it made me truly wish that I had a friend like Abigail to get me through that isolating time in my life.
If you've not read This Journal Belongs To Ratchet I highly suggest you get a copy and read it. I'm thrilled that this book is on our fourth through sixth grade list for the Maryland Black-Eyed Susan Award. I think it's one that everyone, boy or girl, should read. Always Abigail is due to be published on August 5th. I highly suggest that when you can order this book you do so and read it because it is such a wonderful powerful book. It is also another that boys and girls should read.
If you can't tell, these books really made an impression on me and I'm really passionate about everyone reading them. What book(s) have you read that has brought out that passion in you?
Also, don't forget about suggesting some great nonfiction books to me!
Happy Reading!!
Stacey (@libraryjo92)