Monday, July 15, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This meme was started by Sheila at Book Journey.  The kid's version was started by the lovely ladies at Teach Mentor Text.

Since this past week was the end of my vacation, I didn't get a lot of reading done.  Once I got home, I had lots of laundry to do.

The Wig in the WindowI did finish one book finished, The Wig in the Window by Kristen Kittscher. Click here for a summary on Goodreads.  This book was wonderful!  It was one of those books that kept me on the edge of my seat and I ha to keep reading to find out what happened next.  I loved that the two main characters Sophie and Grace were very believable and genuine.  The mystery surrounding Sophie's Middle School Counselor, Dr. Agford is the heart of the story, but there is a second story about the girls friendship.  I can't say enough good things about this book!  If it is not on your to read list, it should be!!

Still working on The Emerald Atlas and I'm heading to the library to pick up some books that I have on hold.  I've got to start reading some more so that I can reach my goal for the Summer Throwdown!

Happy Reading!!

Stacey (libraryjo92)


  1. I hope you had a great vacation. I love mysteries, so I will have to read this one. Happy reading this week!

  2. I keep hearing about Wig in the Window. Waiting for it at the library. I enjoyed The Emerald Atlas. Didn't get it for school last year, though. Maybe this year. I still need to sign up for the showdown!

  3. Stacey, I think Wig will be a #virtualbookclub pick for us in August. Kristen Kittscher offered to drop in and chat along. You should join in. I don't have a copy yet and haven't been able to buy one locally but will keep trying.

  4. Hear you on the laundry! I just returned from vacation and just started load number three of five! Thankfully though I was able to get some nice readin gin while away. Now I would much rather be reading but taking a break from housework for raspberry smoothies and reading Monday blog posts. My family loved The Emerald Atlas. It was so much fun as a read aloud. Just picked up the second in the series.

  5. Yep, it is on my list already. Now I just need to find a copy.
