This meme was started by Sheila at Book Journey. The kid's version was started by Jen at Teach Mentor Text and Kellee at Unleashing Readers.
Wow, I thought I would get back and post last week, but little did I know on Monday that a touch of the stomach bug and Book Fair would take up all of my time. The chapter books that have really stuck with me over the past few weeks are Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker, Seven Stories Up by Laurel Snyder, Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets by Kate Messner, Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue by Tom Angleberger and A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd. I actually read A Snicker of Magic two weeks ago, but didn't get a chance to write about it.
Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker was a good read, but I wasn't in love with it. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I had to, as someone else said, suspend reality to believe that the events in the story could really happen. It kept my interest, but it is one that I would be selective in recommending to students.
Seven Stories Up by Laurel Snyder is another one that I was so excited to read. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I really enjoyed Snyder's Bigger Than a Breadbox, so I was thrilled to realize that this book had ties to that book. It is a great easy historical fiction book for those students who need to ease into that genre. This book has even more meaning for me because I'm in the process of researching my family history. There are some days I wish I could go back in time and ask questions that were not asked before my relatives passed away. I can't wait to get this book into my library because those students who have read Bigger Than a Breadbox will be thrilled!
Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets by Kate Messner was another great book in this series! Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I was delighted to read another book about Marty and her adventures. This time she moves onto pet sitting. Well, in true Marty fashion, things get a little out of hand. Can't wait to share this book with my students. In fact, I already have a hold on this book.
Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue by Tom Angleberger is another winner the Origami Yoda series! Click here for a summary on Goodreads. This book is a great continuation of the story Rebels fight against the test prep program Fun Time. Angleberger is able to tell a great story for students, but giving a voice to teachers who are frustrated with test prep. Since I put this book on my collection, it has not been on the shelf for very long.
A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd is one book that I can't say enough about! I LOVED it!! Click here for a summary on Goodreads. This book had everything I look for in a book: mystery, action and adventure, friendship, and character growth. This is one of the few books that as soon as I finished reading it I wanted to start it all over again. If you haven't read this book yet, you really should. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
I've got some new books that I've read for Book Fair that I'll be posting about this week. Tomorrow I'll be posting an update about my Must Reads in 2014.
Happy Reading!!
Stacey (@libraryjo92)
This meme was started by Sheila at Book Journey. The kid's version was started by Jen at Teach Mentor Text and Kellee at Unleashing Readers.
This has been a busy week, but I still have managed to sneak in some reading! I got to read a few great picture books, Hoop Genius: How a Desperate Teacher and a Rowdy Gym Class Invented Basketball by John Coy and Picture Day Perfection written by Deborah Diesen and illustrated by Dan Santant. I also got to read a lot of chapter books, Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker, Seven Stories Up by Laurel Snyder, Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets by Kate Messner, Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue by Tom Angleberger and A Snicker of Magic by Natalie Lloyd. I actually read A Snicker of Magic two weeks ago, but didn't get a chance to write about it.
I'm going to have to split my post into two parts because I need to get up early tomorrow morning. I just loved Hoop Genius by John Coy! Click here for a description on Goodreads. I'm always fascinated by how games like basketball, baseball, and football were invented. These games have always been around in our lifetime so we don't usually give a though to how and why the game was created. I thought that it was great that a teacher was the one to invent basketball. I've got a student who is CRAZY about basketball, every time he checks out he as at least one basketball book. I can't wait to share this book with him.
Picture Day Perfection written by Deborah Diesen and illustrated by Dan Santat was such a fun story! Click here for a summary on Goodreads. Anything having to do with picture day at school is always highly amusing! This book brought back memories of my first grade pictures, that my mother hated! I had all four of my front teeth missing, a huge hole, and I would not open my mouth to smile. The ending of the book was a surprise, but one that I liked. The illustrations by Dan Santant are, as always, incredible. His illustrations always add even more life to a wonderful story.
Part two with the reviews about the chapter books will be posted later today. Also I'll have another post up relating to The Ninja Librarian book.
Happy Reading!!
Stacey (@libraryjo92)
This meme was started by Sheila at Book Journey. The kid's version was started by Jen at Teach Mentor Text and Kellee at Unleashing Readers.
It has been a while since I've had time to post anything. I've been reading up a storm, but haven't been able to find the time to post. With all the snow days that I've had recently, I've been doing all I can do to keep my head above water. Also I had to do my taxes too.
I have been waiting since January to get a hold of Parrots Over Puerto Rico by Susan L. Roth. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. Last week I finally got an email saying that it was my turn to check it out. Wow, is the word that comes to mind when I think about this book. The history of the parrots in Puerto Rico was something that I knew nothing about. At times my heart broke for these beautiful birds. This book contained so much information. I found myself having to read it a second time to fully comprehend all the facts about the parrots. The cut paper illustrations just complimented the text and were so gorgeous! I couldn't stop looking at the illustrations. If you haven't seen this book, it is one you shouldn't miss.
As I was waiting for table at Cracker Barrel, I was wandering around and came across Squish Rabbit by Katherine Battersby. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I loved this book! Squish is just a little lonely rabbit. Nobody seems to notice him, but he notices a lot. Squish reminded me a lot of myself. I have to go back this week and buy a copy for myself and one for my library. There is another Squish book called Brave Squish Rabbit. I'll have to find this one.
In September 2012 I read Three Times Lucky by Sheila Turnage. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I really enjoyed the book and was happy to see it awarded a Newbery Honor. I was really excited to see there was a sequel, The Ghosts of Tupelo Landing! Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I think that I loved this book more than the first book. I was so thrilled to go back to Tupelo Landing with Mo, Dale and all of the other wonderful characters. The mystery this time centers around the inn that was accidentally bid on, and a ghost that comes with it. I really hope there is going to be another book so I can go back and visit Tupelo Landing!
The next book was an ARC that I got through NetGalley, The Ninja Librarians: The Accidental Keyhand by Jennifer Swann Downey. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. This book was wonderful! I found myself not waiting to stop reading this book. I had to find out what happened Dorrie and her brother Marcus once they landed in Petrarch's Library. This is headquarters of a secret society of ninja librarians who protect anyone who has gotten into trouble for their words. You meet many famous literary people from throughout history. This book was such a fun read. I can't wait to read the next one! This is a must read for all of us ninja librarians!
Click here to read a excerpt from The Ninja Librarians.
Here is a video clip about the book.
One of the fun things in this book is when Dorrie and Marcus get to meet some of those famous literary people from great books. This really got me thinking about who would I want to meet from many of the great books that I've read. This is a really difficult question because I've met so many great characters over the years. But if I had to narrow it down two, I think that I would want to meet Auggie from Wonder. Every time I read that book he continues to inspire me to be a better person. My other character is Dwight from the Origami Yoda series because I could always use advice from Origami Yoda! Please share in the comments who you would want and why.
I'll post some more of what I've been reading later on this week. Also I've got a couple post that I need to finish working on because I've started them quite a while ago!
Happy Reading!!
Stacey (@libraryjo92)